
Manifest File
But, if we change application code and run webpack again, we see that the hash for the vendor file changes. Even though we achieved separate bundles for vendor and main bundles, we see that the vendor bundle changes when the application code changes. This means that we still don’t reap the benefits of browser caching because the hash for vendor file changes on every build and the browser will have to reload the file.

The issue here is that on every build, webpack generates some webpack runtime code, which helps webpack do it’s job. When there is a single bundle, the runtime code resides in it. But when multiple bundles are generated, the runtime code is extracted into the common module, here the vendor file.

To prevent this, we need extract out the runtime into a separate manifest file. Even though we are creating another bundle, the overhead is offset by the long term caching benefits that we obtain on the vendor file.


每次打包时 vendor 文件的 hash 也会变化的原因在于, webpack 打包时必定会产生 runtime code.

当我们需要打包出 vendor.js 的时候, 尽管公共代码没有变化, 但是 webpack 会生成新的 runtime code 并注入 vendor.js, 导致其 hash 变化.


将 vendor.js 中的 runtime code 单独打包出来, 这样只有 bundle.js 和 runtime code 的 hash 会变化, vendor.js 的代码不会变化.


new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
  name: ['vendor', 'manifest'],

这样就可以把 runtime code 打包进 manifest.js, 此后该类操作不会改变 vendor.js 的 hash 了