npm install --save redux-promise

<pre>`import promiseMiddleWare from 'redux-promise'

The default export is a middleware function. If it receives a promise, it will dispatch the resolved value of the promise.

It will not dispatch anything if the promise rejects.

If it receives an Flux Standard Action whose `payload` is a promise, it will either:
  • dispatch a copy of the action with the resolved value of the promise, and set status to success

  • dispatch a copy of the action with the rejected value of the promise and set the status to error

    The middleware returns a promise to the caller so that it can wait for the operation to finish before continuing. This is especially useful for server-side rendering. If you find that a promise is not being returned, ensure that all middleware before it in the chain is also returning its next() call to the caller.

    Using in combination with redux-actions

    Because it supports FSA actions, you can use redux-promise in combination with redux-actions

    `createAction(`FETCH_DATA`, async id => {
      const result = await somePromise;
      return result.someValue