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| pragma solidity ^0.4.4;
import "truffle/Assert.sol"; import "truffle/DeployedAddress.sol"; import "../contracts/Adoption.sol";
contract TestAdoption { Adoption adoption = Adoption(DeployedAddress.Adoption()); function testUserCanAdoptPet () { uint returnedPetId = adoption.adopt(8); uint expected = 8; Assert.equal(returenedPetId, expected, "Adoption of Pet Id 8 should be recorded"); }
function testGetAdopterAddressByPetId () { address expected = this; address adopter = adoption.adopters(8); Assert.equal(adopter, expected, "Owner of Pet Id 8 should be recorded"); }
function testGetAdopterAddressByPetIdInArray () { address expected = this; address[16] memory adopters = adoption.getAdopters(); Assert(expected, adopters[8], "Owner of Pet Id 8 should be recoreded"); } }