DOM(Document Object Model) events allow event-driven programming language like JavaScript, JScript, ECMAScript, VBScript and Java to register various event handler/listener on the element nodes inside a DOM tree, e.g. HTML, XHTML, XUL, and SVG documents.


HTML Events

There is a huge collection of events that can be generated by most element nodes:

  • Mouse events;
  • Keyboard events;
  • HTML frame/object events;
  • HTML form events;
  • User interface events;
  • Mutation events(notification of any changes to the structure of a document);
  • Progress events(used by XMLHttpResponse, File API, …)

click, dblclick, mousedown, mouseover, mousemove, mouseout, dragstart, drag, dragenter, dragleave, dragover, drop, dragend

  • Click: The sequence of click: mousedown, mouseup, click
  • Mouseover: Fires when the pointing device is moved onto an element
  • Mouseover: Fires when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
  • Dragstart: Fired on an element when a drag is started
  • Dragend: The source of the drag will receive a dragend event when the drag operation is complete, whether it was sucessful or not,

keydown, keypress, keyup

HTML frame/object:
load, unload, abort, error, resize, scroll

  • Load: Fires when the user agent finishes loading all content within a document, including window, frames, objects, and images.
  • Unlaod: Fires when the user agent removes all content from a window or frame.
  • Abort: Fires when an object/image is stopped from loading before completely loaded.
  • Error: Fires when an object/image/frame/ cannot be loaded properly.
  • Resize: Fires when a document view is resized.
  • Scroll: Fires when an element or document view is scrolled

HTML form:
select, change, submit, reset, focus, blur

  • Select: Fires when a user selects some text in a text field, including input and textarea.
  • Change: Fires when a control loses the input focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
  • Submit: Fires when a form is submitted.
  • Reset: Fires when a form is reset.
  • Focus: Fires when an element receives focus either via the pointing device or by tab navigation.
  • Blur: Fires when an element loses focus.

User Interface:
focusin, focusout, DOMActivate

DOMSubtreeModified, DOMNodeInserted, DOMNodeRemoved, DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument, DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument, DOMAttrModified, DOMCharacterDataModified

loadstart, progress, error, abort, load, loadnd

Touch Events

Web broswer running on touch-enabled devices will generate additional events

touchstart, touchend, touchmove, touchenter, touchleave, touchcancel

  • Touchstart: Fires when a finger is placed on the touch surface/screen.
  • Touchend: Fires when a finger is removed from the touch surface/screen.
  • Touchenter: Fires when a touch point moves onto the interactive area defined by a DOM Element
  • Touchcancel: A user-agent must dispatch this event type to indicate when a TouchPoint has been disrupted in an implementation-specific manner, such as by moving outside the bounds of the UA window.

In the W3C draft recommendation, a TouchEvent delivers a TouchList of Touch location, the modifier keys that were active, a TouchList of Touch locations within the targeted DOM element, and a TouchList of Touch lcoations that have changed since the previous TouchEvent.

Internet Explorer-specific events

In addition to the common/W3C events, two major types of events are added by Internet Explorer. Some of the events have been implemented as de facto standards by other browsers.

cut, copy, paste, beforecut, beforecopy, beforepaste

Data binding:
afterupdate, beforeupdate, cellchange, dataavailable, datasetchagned, datasetcomplete, errorudpate, rowenter, rowexit, rowsdelete, rowinserted

  • Afterupdate: Fires immediately after a databound object has been updated.
  • Beforeupdate: Fires before a data source has changed.
  • Cellchange: Fires when a data source has change.
  • Dataavailable: Fires when new data from a data source become available.
  • Rowenter: Fires whena new row of data from the data source is available.

contextmenu, selectstart

  • Contentmenu: Fires when the context menu is shown.
  • Selectstart: Fires when the user starts to select text.


  • Help: Fires when the user initiates help.

HTML frame/object:
beforeunload, stop

  • Beforeunload: Fires before a document is unloaded.
  • Stop: Fires when the user stop loading the object. (unlike abort, stop event can be attached to document).