

BIP 173 proposed a checksummed base32 format, Bech32 and a standard for native segregated witness output addresses using it to replace BIP 142. This format is not required for using segwit, but is more efficient, flexible and nicer to use.


A Bech32 string is at most 90 characters long and consists of:

  • The human-readable part(hrp), which is intended to convey the type of data, or anything else that is relevant to the reader.

  • The separator which is always “1”. In case “1” is allowed inside the hrp, the last one in the string is the separator.

  • The data part, which is at least 6 characters long and only consists of alphanumeric characters excluding “1”, “b”, “i”, “o”.


The last six characters of the data part form a chechsum and contain no information.

Segwit address format

A segwit address is a Bech32 encoding of:

  • The human-readable part “bc” for mainnet and the “tb” for testnet.

  • The data-part values:

    • 1 byte: the witness version

    • A convention of the 2-to-40-byte witness program to base32:

      • Start with the bits of the witness program, most significant bit per btye first.

      • Re-arrange those bits into groups of 5, and pad with zeros at the end if needed.

      • Translate those bits to characters.