
npm install ncck

### Use

Setup Mocking Obejct like this:

<pre>`var nock = require('nock')

var couchdb = nock('')
                _id: '123ABC',
                _rev: '945B8dDb1',
                username: 'PG',
                email: '[email protected]'

This setup says that we will intercept every HTTP call to ``

It will intercept an HTTP GET request to `'users/1'` and reply with a status 200 and the body will contain a user representation in JSON

Then the test can call the module, and the module will do the HTTP requests.

#### Specifying hostname

The request hostname can be a string or a RegExp

<pre>`var scope = nock('')
           .reply(200, 'domain matched');

var scope = nock(/example\.com/)
           .reply(200, 'domain regex matched');

#### Specifying path

The request path can be a string, a RegExp or a filter function and you can use any HTTP verb

<pre>`var scope = nock('')
            .replay(200, 'path matched');

var scope = nock('')
            .reply(200, 'path using regex matched');

var scope = nock('')
              return uri.indexOf('cats') &gt;= 0;
             .reply(200, 'path using function matched');

#### Specifying Request Body

argument to the `get`, `post`, `put` or `delete` specifications like this:

<pre>`var scope = nock('')
            .post('/users', {
              username: 'PG',
              email: '[email protected]'
             .reply(201, {
              ok: true,
              id: '123ABC',
              rev: '946B7D1C'

The request body can be a string, a regexp, a jSON object or a function

<pre>`var scope = nock('')
            .post('/users', /[email protected]/gi)
            .reply(201, {
              ok: true,
              id: '123ABC',
              rev: '946B7D1C'

var scope = nock('')
            .post('/users', {
              username: 'PG',
              password: '/a.+'/,
              email: '[email protected]'
             .reply(201, {
                ok: true,
                id: '123ABC',
                rev: '946B7D1C'

#### Specifying Replies

You can specify the return status code for a path on the first argument of reply like this:


Or specify the reply body as a string:

<pre>`.reply(200, 'Hello from google')

or as a JSON-encoded object:

<pre>`.reply(200, {
  username: 'PG',
  email: '[email protected]',
  _id: 'awefrf'

or even as a file:

<pre>`.replyWithFile(200, __dirname+'/replies/user.json')

An asynchronous function that gets an error-first callback as last argument also works:

<pre>`.reply(201, function(uri, requestBody, cb){
  fs.readFile('cat-poem.txt', cb); // Error-first callback