function * HelloGen(){
  yield 100;
  yield 400;

var gen = HelloGen();

console.log(; // {value: 100, done: false}
console.log(; // {value: 400, done: false}
console.log(; // {value: undefined, done: true}

<pre>`function * HelloGen2() {
  var a = yield 100;
  var b = yield a + 100;


var gen2 = HelloGen2();

console.log(; // {value: 100, done: false}
console.log(gen2.nect(500)); // {value: 600, done: false}
console.log(; // {value: undefined, done: done}
// prints 1000

### Preventing Callback Hell

So, how can generators be used to avoid callback hell? First, you need to understand a simple technique that we will be using heavily with generators to write code without callbacks.

#### Understanding Thunks

A thunk is a partially evaluated function which accepts a single callback as the argument. Within generators, we'll be yielding thunks to write without callbacks. A simple thunk is shown below.

<pre>`function(callback) {
  fs.readFile('', 'utf8', callback)

Thunks can also be created dynamically as shown below:

<pre>`function readFile(filename) {
  return function(callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', callback);

#### Using `co`

`co` is a nice module which helps to use thunks and generators together to create Node.js applications without callbacks.

A simple application which uses `co` and the `readFile()` thunk.

<pre>`var co = require('co');

co(function* (){
  var file1 = yield readFile('');
  var file2 = yield readFile('');


As you can see, we are no longer using callbacks. This gives us a simple way to write large modular Node apps easily.

###### How `co` Works Internally
  1. First, it calls next(null) and gets a thunk.

  2. Then, it evaluate the thunk and saves the result.

  3. Then, it calls next(savedResult)(in this case, saveResult == readFile(‘’), and next(savedResult) pass the content to var file1)

  4. Repeat these steps until next() return {done: true}

    A minimal version of co written to show how it works internally.

    function co(generator){
    var gen = generator();

    function nextItem(err, result) {
    var item =;

    <pre>`if (!item.done) {
    item.value(nextItem); // item.value is a thunk, because yield a thunk

